Update: A Better Way to Make a Read Only column in Kendo UI Grid Edit Mode

Shortly after hitting publish on my last blog post, I received an email from Lohith (https://about.me/kashyapa), a Technical Evangelist with Telerik in India.  He had seen my post and pointed me to the documentation that allows for a much easier method of accomplishing this task.  This is yet another example of why Telerik is such an awesome company and I am more than happy to hand over my money for a superb set of development components.


Lohith, pointed me to the following documentation that contains an example code snippet: 




The grid provides the ability to configure the model that the datasource is returning. 

// Declare a model field and make it readonly
model.Field(product => product.UnitPrice).Editable(false);

Thanks, Lohith!
